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Wednesday 18th June 2003

This morningÂ’s post included an unexpected surprise (nothing about boxes, donÂ’t worry), a draft poster for the Belgian stage version of Talking Cock. Although negotiations have been going on with theatre companies in most European countires, none of it has really seemed real until now.
It’s called “De Penis Praat” which I hope means “The Penis Talks” rather than being some kind of insult as my name is directly beneath it. “There he is, Richard Herring, the penis prat!” It certainly works on both levels.
Then there are three photos of a totally naked man (who I presuming is Erik Goris who is credited as being the performer) cupping his genitalia with his hands and pulling over one different face.
It was both hilarious and slightly amazing to think that I was responsible for this happening. That because of me a man in Belgium who I had never met had had to be photographed with no clothes on (this has never been directly the case before) and that the Belgian people are going to be subjected to a Belgian version of my cock-obsessed stream of filth.
Not just the Belgians though. There are at least ten other productions in various stages of readiness (only the Norwegians have given a date for the first performance however, the 9th September if youÂ’re in the country). ThereÂ’s going to be a dozen posters like this. When I have time and more examples I will put up a display of the different interpretations that our European friends have made of my stupid show.
Even better I get to travel to the opening nights of most of them and try and ascertain what the other performers have made of the project. I have mixed feelings about this, because I could see how someone could do the same material with a different emphasis and make a very different show, but to be honest, if the performer is talking in Norwegian I am going to have a bit of difficulty understanding the subtleties!
Maybe my next show can be about the experience. I can call it “Talking Talking Cock”
Then if that’s a success it can get sold all over Europe and be put on by indigenous actors and I can go and see all of those shows and do a show called “Talking Talking Talking Cock”.
Et cetera.

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