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Monday 19th December 2005

The introduction of gay marriages was on the news today. I can't really see why anyone would think this was a bad idea. If you're gay then it's good that you have as much right to declare your love for your partner and if you're not then it doesn't really affect you.
Unless you are religious of course. In which case suddenly you can't sleep unless everyone thinks the same as you.
Inevitably the coverage went to some vicar for a comment and with relentless predicatability he trotted out the line "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Not only was this joke rubbish to begin with, it has lost any impact it might have had by constant repetition (so much so that even the repetition itself fails to be amusing). More importantly it's not even a good point and is flawed on many levels.
Let's suppose for argument's sake that the story of Adam and Eve is a factual account of the creation of mankind (and just think about it for a second, it obviously isn't). Firstly the fact that God created a man and a woman first does not necessarily mean that this was the only kind of sexual relationship that he sanctioned. If he wanted a system where male and female had to come together to create babies then it probably made sense to make a man and woman to start with, let them get on with the business of populating the world and then down the line if some of the men wondered what it would be like to suck one of the other men's cocks, then that would be up to them.
Indeed, I think this theory is backed up by the fact that Adam and Eve's first children were Cain and Abel and not Cain and Mabel. What were Cain and Abel supposed to do. They were the only two young people in the world and they surely couldn't have sex with their mum, so obviously they'd have to have a go at each other. The truth is that Cain probably killed Abel in some kind of Sado Masochist experimentation, but then covered it up, doubtless being the first person to make the Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve joke in the process.
Of course Adam and Eve had some female children afterwards, ut if we are to take our sexual morals from their story then surely the message we must take is that God wants us to indulge in incest. If he only created Adam and Eve then any offspring they had would be forced to interbreed in order to continue the human race. Unless God had created a load of other couples who aren't mentioned who were having families for the Adam and Eve kids to hook up with. That would certainly be more palatable to any religious folks, but if so, who is to say that amongst these other anonymous couples there wasn't and Adam and Steve or an Adele and Eve or just some people who would take it anywhere they could get it with whoever seemed to be up for it.

But I for one am very glad that the gays are now able to make the same foolish, ultimately doomed choice as the rest of us. Though I would like to see anyone who makes the Adam and Steve joke banned from ever forming any kind of human relationship. Which is pretty much guaranteed given their sense of humour.

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