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Friday 24th June 2005

Last night it had been too hot to get a proper sleep and I was tired and grumpy for most of the day and I didn't help matters by playing on-line poker for most of the afternoon, badly, losing all the money I had accrued over the last couple of weeks. I was still embarrassed and smarting from my poor gig as well.
But the weather broke a bit in the afternoon and at around six I went out to meet Diane and even though it was raining I went out without a jacket or umbrella. I didn't quicken my pace and just walked to the tube. The rain was not all that heavy, but after five minutes I was pretty wet, but I didn't care. I even quite liked it. It was not a liberating experience, like the one I missed out on here. But somehow by the time I'd met up with Diane the rain had washed away my self-indulgent ennui and shame and I was over it all. Perhaps the heat had abated a little and cooled my head down, or perhaps rain is magic and our element worshipping ancestors were correct.
Ah water, how I love you. Which is partially arrogance because I am 93% water myself (or something like that). Coincidentally (or maybe not) I only like about 93% of myself and there's 7% of me that I think is a bit of an idiot and a wanker. So maybe it's just the non water bits that are spoiling it for the rest. I will try to drink more water in an attempt to up the percentage. Maybe that's why drinking litres of water a day is meant to be good for you. Possibly being covered or immersed in water will also help.
Hey it's a theory. And one that John the Baptist seemed to go for on a big level. And nothing bad ever happened to him, right?

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