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Tuesday 28th November 2006

For some reason I was in a slightly emotional state today. I don't know what brought it on. But I was finding little things made me smile, whilst other little things would bring a tear to my eye and then suddenly I'd be a little bit blue for no discernable reason. Maybe I am in love.
But with who?
Surely I would know if I was.
I watched the film "Kinky Boots" this morning because we're thinking of casting someone from it in the comedy drama. I had to do this last week with a different actor. I like it when you're watching TV and yet you're still doing your job. If only I could become a TV reviewer... who doesn't have to write any reviews.... then my life would be perfect.
I hadn't expected much of "Kinky Boots" as it didn't make much of a splash at the time and usually even the worst British films are hyped up beyond all reason(Shooting Fish anyone), but I did enjoy it. Maybe it was to do with my heightened emotions, but I don't think so. It was quite a heart-warming tale and there were some great performances in it. I think it probably suffered from comparisons to "The Full Monty" which it is a little bit like I suppose, but I would say it deserved to do better. But then like I said, I was like a little girl today, nearly crying at the smallest things. Maybe it's just my age. Perhaps I've lost my marbles. Perhaps one of you can let me know if "Kinky Boots" is actually any good and then that will help me determine if my mental state is in danger.
I remembered another early memory too. I am afraid I cannot place it in the time line, but I think I must have been pretty little as that's sort of the point of the memory. I was at a park with my mum and my brother and my brother was going to play on the slides. I remember looking up at the slides he was going on. They seemed absolutely enormous to me. They were miles bigger than any slides I had seen before (and they were just the regular type, with the ladder and the metal chute). In my memory they still seem like they were 100 feet high. I remember being amazed that my brother was going up on them. He seemed impossibly brave to me. I felt proud that I had such a courageous brother.
But, of course, they couldn't have been a hundred feet high. There's no way any council would allow slides that tall in their playgrounds and there's no way that my over-protective mother would have let my brother have a go on them if they were.
They were obviously a little bigger than a regular slide, but they seemed so enormous because I was still tiny. Yet as I grew they remained in the same proportions. I think for much of my childhood I was seeking out these enormous slides and was disappointed that I never found any that big again.
The world can never seem as impressive as it did when we were two or three.

WIN a fucking PSP Question 28
I appear in the history sketch show TWTTIN. In series one we revealed the answer to this question. When Guy Fawkes was caught trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament what did he claim that his name was?

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