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Thursday 29th July 2021

Thursday 29th July 2021

Three months into the new healthier life regime and I've gone from 91.8kg (though I was over 93kg in April) to my realistic target weight of 83kg. As you can see from the graph there have been a few ups and downs and plateaus along the way (and an actual low point of 92.6kg). It's important not to lose heart when things vacillate or grind to a halt and of course weight is just an indicator of how things are going. But when you look at 3 months worth of progress you get a better idea of how things are going. Nice and steady- about 3kg a month or 0.75kg a week. I doubt I will be 74kg at the end of October, but you never know. If I can stay around 83kg til the end of the year I will be very happy. But there's still some tummy there and still lots of running to do before the half marathon, so you never know.
I did attempt a run today, but it was hot and I was tired and I only got a couple of miles before I emerged into the hot sunshine and decided to walk.

I had hoped to finish script 1 today (it's getting slowly closer, but still a way to go) but had flaked out my lunchtime. I went to the supermarket, where things are returning to normal (at least regarding Covid) and where they no longer have the trolleys being manned at the door. You're not meant to put used ones back in the main trolley stable (although they don't make it super clear where you're meant to put yours when you're finished and I saw one old lady putting her trolley back in the wrong place). Shelves seemed to be stocked fairly well today, though that's not the case everywhere according to Twitter.
Back home and I did some science experiments with my son (and then my daughter joined in). He has expressed his desire to be "a science" when he grows up. I suppose, in a way, we're all a science. He did quite well with mixing coloured water and didn't eat the crystals we then put into it, so he might be OK.
Twitter is also aghast at the right wing people expressing concern/disgust about the RNLI rescuing asylum seekers who are in trouble in the channel. I find it hard to believe that even a significant minority of right wing people actually believe that the RNLI should not do its job or should assess whether people are British before rescuing them (not sure how they'd do that), but it's incredible that anyone could seriously think that.
I don't like the tendency (on both sides of every argument) to find a few people who think something crazy and then parrot that view as if its the consensus of your opponents. But you have to watch out for the slow dripping of opinion that moves mindsets towards dehumanising certain groups of people. Historically this hasn't worked out well.
And clearly there are some people who object to the RNLI rescuing everyone as a few have stopped their donations - I can't imagine being the kind of person who thought the RNLI was worth giving money to until you heard about them rescuing people you don't like (or think deserve to live?), but a few exist. Far more people though support the RNLI in their blanket policy of rescuing people as donations this week have gone up from the £7000 daily average to £200,000.
As you know, I love it when idiocy can be used to encourage people to donate to charity. It's good that the posing of Farage and his gang have led to a huge spike in support for what is clearly the morally correct position. As many people have pointed out, those claiming All Lives Matter don't seem so bothered when the lives belong to people who aren't from the same place as them.

Another RHLSTP guest announced in the secret members' area of One of the benefits of being a badger. Another is that you will get 50% off of the live streams of the next series of RHLSTP. We're charging £10 a show (two guests) or £50 for the series of 7 (plus a bonus show in August where we test the equipment, so 15 or 16 interviews), so that will be £5 and £25 for badgers. And the money raised will go to the NHS hospitals that helped me this year and the Museum of Comedy.
Become a badger here. It's just £3 a month (more if you wish) so is very good value if you want to get that series stream. You could sign up for a month and then leave if you were the kind of prick who supported the RNLI until you found out they were rescuing foreigners.
I mean maybe it's not morally quite as bad, but it's close, right?

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