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Saturday 30th January 2021

A brief bit of excitement to lighten up the Lockdown gloom. Actually no, just the opposite.
Half our electricity went off this morning. It had happened in the night a couple of nights ago too, but I'd gone downstairs and felt my way to the fuse box in the dark, flicked up the one switch that was down and it had all come back on.
This morning the fuse box was insistent that the switch was not going back up. Like it wanted to save us from danger or something. The fucking idiot. Grow some balls fuse box and put the lights back on
I rang an emergency electrician, but he was all booked up. But nevertheless he took the time to help me work out which circuit was the problem, requesting a photo and then taking me through the trial and error that allowed us to put on nearly all the electricity. Just one circuit was a problem and it wasn't labelled, but it didn't take me long to work out what it was as the kitchen lights were not working. Luckily all the appliances and plug sockets were fine, so we decided we could cope with waiting a couple of days and cook by the light from extractor fans above the hob.
It slightly impacted on our day, but it was better than having no internet or TV so we coped with it.
But what a nice electrician to help me out for free.
There are good people out there.

During the photo taking I dropped my torch into the low cellar that sits beneath our kitchen and is behind our fuse box and meters. We don't go in there ever and I've told the kids that monsters live down there, so they won't go in. It's been very wet lately and the torch landed in an inch or so of water. And I had to go in there to get it. And there are monsters in there. And maybe wet rats. Who knows?
I don't think we need to worry about the mini flood. But opening the door has probably let more ghosts out.

News of my ventriloquism have somehow spread all over the world - astonishing given that I have only performed in my own house (and a couple of brief stints in theatres). I guess when you're good at something, word just gets out
This is certainly not a case of a New Zealand journalist who (understandably) has no idea who I am, so does their research by reading the first sentence of my wikipedia entry.
Ironically the article can now be used to verify the fact that I am a ventriloquist on my wikipedia entry.

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