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Tuesday 4th October 2011

Tuesday 4th October 2011

The release of the DVD of series 1 of Fist of Fun edges ever closer -it's dependent on how long it takes to get a certificate and then manufacture, but it should be some time in November. Today we got a copy of the rough art work for the cover (it will say series 1 on the spine, the aspect ratio is actually 4:3 and it's probably not an 18 certificate, unless the flash frame of me and Stew naked is considered porn). Many of you seem very excited about this, but I am too. There are plenty of extras as you can see from the back cover and hopefully the investment made by Chris Evans - not that one, or that one (Captain America) - will pay off. I am pretty certain we won't lose money on it. As long as the excited tweets about it translate into sales we should be able to continue living in our homes.
Series two will follow next year and if these do OK we'll look into bringing out TMWRNJ and maybe our radio stuff too. The studio extras are all very interesting, even if it's a bit weird for me to see myself so young (and at times idiotic) and in certain episodes things are a little tense (but you'll find that interesting). Most of it is not online anywhere either, though Andy McH found this clip from series 2 online. I hadn't seen this before, but hopefully it means that just as many studio rushes will survive for the next release. I don't remember much about it, but I am surprised at how much I seem to be improvising in this bit (and I have no idea how much of it made it to air- I suspect not very much). This is very much how Stew and me worked on stage, over the course of a tour, changing the script and asking new questions of each other, but it is audacious to attempt this during the recording of a TV show. I wish I had seen it before though, because I love that idea in it that Satan is actually a nice and considerate bloke, tempting Jesus with untempting stuff so that the Christians would get a decent length festival out of Lent and then the brilliant argument that Satan is nice really because he's joining in with God's plan by being evil. That's what God needs him to be. If Satan was really evil he'd be good, just to fuck that up. Did I really just make that up on the spot? It seems so from the way that I don't do it again in the next take. I don't remember being that confident or inventive back then, but I am properly astonished by that bit of video and wish I had seen it before I did Christ on a Bike again, because that's a lovely idea to explore further.
But I forget most of the stuff I've done it seems. The other day I put "golliwog" into iTunes to see if I could find any songs about that subject (there's one by Agnetha from Abba unbelievably and more believably one from Chubby Brown, where he argues that it's just a child's bit of fun, but demonstrates in everything he says that it really isn't). But one of the only things that came up in the search was a Collings and Herrin podcast in which we discussed Gollygate at some length and went over the history of the doll. I have no recollection of this! Maybe I really do get possessed by the Herrin character and he does all the funny stuff for me.
I also like the way I keep eating pancake even when the cameras aren't rolling. Perhaps I was conscious of continuity and trying to ensure there was the right amount of pancake in my mouth, but I think I just liked eating the pancake.
Anyway, the DVD will be out soonish and only from the Welsh idiots at go faster stripe. The twats.
And for those of you wondering what that (as it turns out) Swedish blog I mentioned on Sunday was about. Victor Robinson got his Swedish friend to translate it:
"Nowadays I really don't follow what's happening in the world. When I was studying I had to because I was studying international politics, conflicts and such things. I always watched the News on the telly in the morning. Read online. It seems as I don't have the time now. I walk to my job, which means that I can't even read Metro in the morning. At work I just don't have the time to sit and read. And when I get back home in the evening I am too tired. But I am going to be better doing this! I pass the below every day and I like it a lot! Makes me think. And not only on the fact that I am not really up to date when it comes to the News of the World."
It might well be the exact same paving slab that I have spotted. But leastways, it's also in London. The paving slab revolution has not yet gone international.

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