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Saturday 5th December 2020


The kids had been at their Nanna and Papa's overnight and didn't get return to us until 6pm, so we had the luxury of another day to ourselves. Annoyingly I missed the kids. The silence in the house was eerie and upsetting. I mean, I got over it, but my heart yearned for them, even though my head told my heart to shut up and enjoy the chance to do stuff for myself.
I woke up at 7.30am which was late compared to usual, but still annoyingly early. My wife did better and I waited for her to wake up before bringing her breakfast in bed, which is just part of the service you get when you are married to me. You missed your chance ladies and gay men and bisexual men and straight men who would be prepared to marry a man in return for breakfast in bed.
We watched the latest John Mulaney special on Netflix. His choice of language and sideways look at subjects that might be pedestrian in other comics' hands, really appeal to me and we both laughed very hard. His horse loose in a hospital is the best Trump routine I've seen, but it's all in the details with this guy. He's quickly become one of my favourite stand ups.
We went for a run and I listened to In the Shadow of Vesuvius by Daisy Dunn, a book all about the two Plinys (but sadly not the third and most important one - at least not yet - she may get on to him). I still find it incredible that we might have eye witness accounts of something that happened 2000 years ago (give or take) but I also love the fact that peripheral figures in the letters are only really known today because they happened to cross Pliny's path. Particularly when Pliny just slags them off. Their reputation sealed for  a couple of millennia (at least). Hopefully the same will be true of this blog and the people of 4020 will only know Stewart Lee from my blog and thus assume (correctly) that he's a bellend. Fingers crossed.
I had a bath after the run (and after my wife had hers) and then came down for lunch and discovered it was 3pm. How the fuck had that happened? I had loads of plans of things I wanted to get done today and there were only three hours left.
I got very little done in those three hours, so it was maybe good that I didn't have more. The kids came back and the noise returned and I felt mainly happy about that.

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