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Sunday 5th September 2010

How can the last six days have flown by so fast when the previous six dragged for an eternity? Explain that Einstein. Oh you can't, because for all your claims to have mastered time, time defeated you didn't it? Yeah that shut you up, brainiac. Cheg on Einstein, you am a twart!
It's now eight weeks since I had a drink as well, which is equally as crazy. Even watching Madmen tonight didn't make me want to go back. In fact, I think maybe watching Madmen was one of the things that made me stop.
Unusually Andrew Collins came over to record a podcast. We have never done one on a Sunday before, though it was our Sunday collaboration on 6Music back in the day that was to eventually lead to us starting on this enterprise. This was our 132nd official podcast (though we've nearly at 150 now if you include extras, Earth, wind and fire* (*and water) and the video podcasts on Oh Fuck I'm 40 and Headmaster's Son and the as yet unreleased one on the go faster stripe exclusive extra disc for Hitler Moustache. You are not a real fan unless you have heard them all. Which might mean only Chris Evans of Go Faster Stripe is the only real fan. And only if he has heard all the ones we have done in my house. Which he probably hasn't. Even Andrew Collings hasn't seen the Hitler Moustache one yet, thougn technically he has heard everything as it happened. And I have hardly listened back to any of them and missed Andrew's bit in the quarantined podcast. So Andrew Collings is probably the only true fan of Collings and Herrin. What a twat.
Anyway, it felt a bit odd doing the podcast on a Sunday and I was a bit distracted as I was aware that I still had much to do on the Richard Herring's Objective script. Time was ticking away. Andrew had been arrived late due to the tubes and I had predictably failed to do any work in the morning, because what's the point in writing a script unless you are full of fear and tension and giving yourself high blood pressure. No point, that's what.
It turned into a bit of a lazy Sunday afternoon podcast too, where I tried to help Andrew learn how to do cryptic crosswords, even though I know very little about that and he was very resistant to being taught, preferring to hope that he would work it all out for himself. But if you like listening to men in their mid-40s, squabbling and failing to solve pretty basic cryptic clues whilst one of them wishes that the other would die, then you could do worse than listen in It's the only place you will hear that.
I had the button set wrong on my microphone so the first 45 minutes might be a bit quiet if you have a crap MP3 player. So you could try downloading here instead.
That wasn't quite enough displacement for me, so I also sent out a newsletter about all the things I am up to, or at least all the things I will be up to if I don't waste my time talking to Andrew Collings and sending out newsletters.
I can't quite get my head round the fact that I am about to start on a new radio 4 series. It's very exciting and a bit opportunity and it's been a long time since I did anything that was really my own for the station. For the moment I am really only just keen to get the first one out of the way, so I can have a couple of days off and then get on writing the other three. Check the newsletter to find out how you can get free tickets to the last two of them.
I got tomorrow's script finished in time to watch two episodes of Madmen, although I fear it is going to be unworkably long and might not make too much sense when cut down to 28 minutes. We shall see. Or hear.
And of course tomorrow will see the temporary return of the dreaded Hitler moustache. The last time? I would hope so, but something tells me that we may be seeing it again at some point. And I can't hate it too much can I? It's been my principle source of income over the last 16 months. In fact probably only Chaplin and Hitler and Blakey from On The Buses can claim to have done better financially out of it as I have.
My upper lip is a whore.

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