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Monday 7th January 2019


I am really enjoying the electric car. I am not really a car kind of person, but this one is really nice to drive and I love the fact that you fuel it by plugging it in. I don't know how far I have to drive it to make it pay for itself in the difference between diesel and electricity, but the fact that my electricity is currently still free (thanks to the Bulb subscriptions - you can still join up via my link if you want to get us both a £50 credit).
My wife has driven it to London and back a couple of times on one charge (but having to try and work out how much she dares to use the heating), but today was my first long journey, as I went to West London to discuss the first draft of my script with the team behind the sitcom. I listened to podcasts on the excellent entertainment system, took a couple of calls, but mainly marvelled constantly that this lovely car had no petrol in it. And I had over half a tank of electricity by the time I got home, but I had been lucky to hit no serious traffic. I'd definitely recommend electric, if you are going to be using it for round trips of about 100 miles. You can,of course, charge it when you're out and about, but we haven't had to do that yet.
The meeting was fun, but the news on the script wasn't ideal. I am writing episode 8 and things had slightly changed in episode 7, which meant that a big chunk of my script didn't work any more. To be fair I am not convinced that they had loved what I had done anyway, but most of it won't even get as far as hitting the cutting room floor. Just the inside of my the Trash on my computer. You can't afford to be too precious about any of this or annoyed about the time wasted (though I had worked hard to get that draft done, so it would be a calm person who wasn't at all annoyed to find out that most of it was redundant). This is part of the collaborative process though. It's not what I am used to, as before I have been the god of all my sitcom universes and I am not convinced that it plays to all my strengths. But even so I am keen to do the best job that I can. I think it's going to be an excellent series. They've put a Tim from the Office in it. Am trying to get a shrek in it too, but they're being resistant for some reason and keep going on about copyright. It's not Shrek guys, just a shrek. He could live next door and they could be worried about him eating the kids. And then Tim the Office can look into the camera and pull a funny face.
I don't know why they didn't like my first draft.
And I completed my first week of the year without alcohol or chocolate and kept within my myfitnesspal calorie count and I've lost 2.6kg in 7days (nearly 6lbs). Not bad. But I am not kidding myself. The first week is easy, especially post-Christmas and I was VERY heavy (and still am). But it does give me hope that this will been of my successful attempts, at least in the short term. And I am still 25kgs above the BMI recommendation. But feeling great and not really been too hungry and am eating heartily and camomile tea is just as good as whisky. I am not delusional.

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