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Tuesday 9th November 2021


My life is over. I bought some pyjamas today. And wore them to bed. 
There's no way back now.
I think I last had nightwear in my early 20s when I thought I was cool to have a grandad style night shirt. I was incorrect. But luckily no one wanted to sleep with me then so pretty much nobody found out about it. Since then I have very much been a nude night time guy, though might occasionally wear pants and/or a t-shirt. But basically nude. For easy access. Of my penis. Mainly for myself. Certainly percentage wise I got much more use out of it than any other individual.
The decision to pyjame has not been entirely about becoming a sexless being, but out of fatherly decorum. Sleeping nude is fine when the kids were little, but I became conscious that if I had to dash out of bed to check they're OK, without time to grab my dressing gown it was maybe becoming inappropriate to be naked. The kids aren't self-conscious about nudity yet, but it can't be too far away. It's sad in a way because there shouldn't be anything shameful about the human body. But there is a lot shameful about my human body so better I hide it behind a little matching trouser and jacket set.
And accept I am slip sliding my way to the grave.

I listened to the first episode of Jon Ronson's “Things Fell Apart” today. As always, incredibly insightful stuff from Ronson, with the astonishing story of how abortion became an issue for the evangelical christians of the US, even though they weren't really bothered about it to begin with. An interesting detail is that it was protests against a documentary film about how bad abortion was that ignited things for the evangelicals. Obviously protest is an important thing, but it can also shine a light on the very thing you're trying to stop. Sometimes the best option actually is to ignore something and it might go away. But what a thorny problem that is. Not protestor blaming though - the determination of the anti-abortionist is the issue, but the protest was a PR coup for them. And that's something that is repeated again and again over all culture wars.
It's a depressing listen in many, many ways, but exquisite and smart. Can't wait for the rest of the series (and for the human race to destroy itself through its own stupidity)

Back to the rightly unpopular self-playing snooker tonight. It's been almost ten years since I started this and I still can't shake off the last few supporters. And with sport this thrilling, who can blame them. This was a very exciting frame. Up in the usual places. Video  and audio

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