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Tuesday 18th October 2022

Amazing that the BBC is 100 years old. Terrifying that I've been involved in occasional contributions for a third of that time. 

More fucking talking. When this week's up I am never going to talk to anyone again. Unsurprisingly pretty fucked I managed to pull things together to guest on Geoff Norcott's podcast at 9.30am. I was tired, but the chat flowed easily and we got on to some interesting topics. Listen here.
Then at 1pm I hooked up with Scroobius Pip and Adam Buxton for an extended chat about our podcasting careers and our night time sweet intake for Distraction Pieces. Adam had a few internet issues, but it was a lovely chat and as we were all early adopters of the medium who have gone on to medium success in the now crowded field, I felt pretty proud of us all. Interestingly we'd all been in double acts of some kind before and have all found something similar, but different enough in this Wild West of broadcasting. I don't know about me, but they are great men who are not afraid to show their vulnerability and who have used their platforms to amplify all kinds of voices. Talking to them made me proud of us all. Mainly them.

In other news I have brought my 250 year old brick home. I had left it out on a cairn on the field, but I started thinking about how the brick had got there and who made it and my connection with that person through time and it didn't feel right to leave the brick under a pile of stones. I don't know what I am going to do with it. It's not a very pretty brick and also it's a brick, but I washed it in the sink and it's currently on the window ledge in the kitchen. Maybe one day someone will batter me to death with it or the ghost of the person who made it will visit me or the ghost of the person who hoiked it into a field. I suppose the mystery of where it came from and why it was in a field that has always been for crops will never be solved. But the object contains something of the person who made it and though they might not really have got on with me if we'd met and we might not have had much in common and they might have been confused by my futuristic clothes and my iPhone (actually I'd just talk to them about the iPhone - I reckon they'd be my mate if they saw that), we are somehow connected through this object. And in turn we might be connected to other as yet unborn people in the future through it. Probably only to the person who discovers it in a store cupboard in 2135 and then throws it away, but still. It's a connection.
My wife thinks I am mad and I think resented it being in the sink. But it's here now.

I am doing another load of ball based stand up at the Phoenix on the 30th November for my new testicle-based podcast. Tickets only £5. I might also interview Right Bollock in this one.

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