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Tuesday 16th June 2015

I had forgotten how draining the RHLSTP records are. Not only is it an intense three or so hours of concentration, but inevitably I spend much of the hours after feeling excited or mortified about what has just happened and it's very hard to sleep. So I was unlikely to get much work done today in any case. But I managed to make that even more likely by breaking my new laptop. 
I had noticed a bit of grime on the keyboard and decided to wipe it off, but I struggled to find any keyboard cleaner and the little bottle I finally found was almost empty so the squirter wouldn't work. I decided to pour some of the fluid directly on to the cloth and in the process managed to spill a small amount of fluid on to the keyboard itself. Not much. And it was designed to go on the keyboard, so surely that would be fine. Maybe I should have turned the computer off too as i wildly brushed the keys and caused a few odd new windows to open, one of which looked a bit like a self-destruct countdown.
Immediately afterwards the caps lock stopped working properly and things capitalised at random and then my email was opening in a weird way. I turned the computer off and then couldn't get it back on again as when asked to enter my password it was clearly still randomly capitalising things and then some keys became stuck. It just got worse and worse and finally the laptop just decided to stop working altogether.
I am sure that it can be fixed, but it's still annoying that I have managed to damage an expensive new item in such a needless way. The lesson is never try and clean anything or it will break. Yes, gentlemen, that goes for your genitalia too. 
I tried to get an appointment at the Apple Store but they were totally booked up. What forever? I rang up and was told that they book a week ahead and all the bookings were taken but I could go in and queue up and hope someone didn't show up. As I have other computer options and a lot of work to do (that I am totally failing to do) I would have preferred the option of booking in for next week and I did say to the guy on the phone that it seemed likely that I would just encounter this obstacle every day. But there was nothing he could do. But with a baby to look after just decamping to an Apple Store for  a few hours and hoping for the best is not really an option. Even though it would obviously lead to a new Twitter hashtag. Even though I was pretty sure this would eventually all get sorted out, with minimal expense, but lots of time wasted, I found the whole experience a bit deflating. Life is so tedious.
I cut my losses and did the afternoon child minding and hoped for more mental energy and better luck tomorrow. With my first Happy Now preview tomorrow night and currently nothing at all written for it I don't think I will be queuing at the Apple store tomorrow either.
We watched Game of Thrones without having seen any spoilers beyond the rather obvious one that some major characters were going to die. What if it was one of the major characters that I really liked? It wasn't as it turned out and I think it's far from certain that many of the ones that “died” are really dead anyway. Plus due to magic and suchlike they can all just come back alive again anyway. I haven't enjoyed this series as much as the earlier ones and it feels a bit like they've been treading water waiting for Chuck Blazer to write some more books. But it's great to have a TV show where you genuinely are unsure that leading actors will survive. Or if you will see their bum.
Then we watched the new Dan Tetsell vehicle “Humans” (Dan only appears briefly in the first episode but I am sure he'll be a more major part later on), another drama about robots turning out to be slightly sinister. It was OK though there was not enough Dan Tetsell and they wasted him by not also making him play King Herod. I asked my wife if she's be OK with me having sex with a robot or whether that would count as cheating. She seemed to think that if I had sex with a robot then the marriage would be over. But a robot isn't another person, it's just a machine. I mean would she end our relationship if she found me with my cock in the toaster? That might not be a good example.
I agree that if I were to have sex with something alive then that would be considered inappropriate, but a robot is not alive. Even one that has been given consciousness. What's the bloody point of inventing robots if you can't have sex with them. My wife should let me have sex with a robot. When she finds out what I've been doing to K9 she is going to be furious.

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