I was very sad to see that the Queen might have to move out of Buckingham Palace. Where will she go? What will become of her? Who will take her in? Are we really going to let this old lady wander the streets with nowhere to lay down her head or store her collection of crowns, paintings and jewels. It’s going to cost £150 million pounds to repair her house, which puts my own recent renovations into some kind of context - I only spent about half that amount. If anyone has a sofa or a caravanette that she can use in the meantime do write in to The Queen, Buckingham Palace, London. Hopefully she’ll have set up some kind of forwarding service for her mail if the move is imminent.
I reckon we should all chip in and help her pay for the repairs. It’s only about £3 each. The price of a cup of coffee at a service station. Let’s help save the poor queen. Surely we could come up with some kind of system where they just take that money out of our pay packets. We’d never miss it. And maybe they could close a few hospitals to make up the shortfall. This is an old lady we’re talking about. She could be your gran. Think of it like that.
And I am not just saying this because I am hoping to be invited to another slap up meal at the Palace. I really think it.
Also the Houses of Parliament need a few billion pounds worth for renovation. But if we all just worked one extra day this year and gave all our wages to David Cameron that would probably pay for it. We need our parliament in a crumbling old building which doesn’t even have enough seats for all the MPs (luckily they rarely all bother going into work at the same time). Idiots might say that it’s foolish having the parliament meet in an ancient building right in the heart of the capital when you could just open it up as a tourist attraction and hotel for super-rich Americans and use the money to build a modern parliament building in the centre of the country, which all the MPs can more easily access and the land prices would be considerably cheaper. But those people are idiots, like I said at the start of the sentence, so why are we giving them the time of day. History is important and must be paid for by the general populace because of its importance. The queens and prime ministers have given enough by actually becoming historical figures, so why should they pay?
I did some work on the Happy Now programme today and then last thing at night wrote some copy for the leaflet. Which currently constitutes about 50% of the material I have for the actual show. But I think in doing this I might have found my way in to the show. I am still feeling a bit sick about the task that is in front of me with these 12 shows (never mind the other work I have to do) and I am hoping that I can get an audience. But maybe the personal journey of reliving all this stuff is the most important thing.
Here’s where things look to be heading:
This week’s Metro column was about my near-death apricot experience.
Immediately it was picked up with tongue (and fruit stones) firmly in cheeks by the Western Daily Press. Though they might just have been impressed that someone from the West Country had actually encountered the fabled apricot.
RHLSTP with TV’s Emma Kennedy is now up in the usual places. On video here
And on audio on iTunes and the British Comedy Guide.
You can catch me doing an hour of best-of material at the Udderbelly on the South Bank on Thursday evening (and then a completely different hour of routines next week)
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