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Tuesday 11th April 2017

The first bit of RHLSTP guest news was bad news. I’d really been hoping to get Brian Blessed for the new series, but his manager told me he didn’t want to do it. I tweeted "Ah, shame. Brian Blessed has passed on RHLSTP.... Starting booking for the new series June/July.”

Unfortunately I hadn’t considered the way I’d phrased that or that twitter would start a new line after “on”, so I gave a few people an unpleasant shock. Sorry. 
But I am on the case with trying to get other exciting names. Monthly badgers will be the first to know.

And I’d idly suggested to my own management that we could revive RHEFP, not as a daily Fringe podcast as that would no doubt kill me, but as a weekly one. This afternoon they got back to me to tell me they’d found a big venue that was free on Saturday afternoons, but I needed to get my 40 and 100 word Fringe entries written by 6pm. I had two hours. I only needed 30 minutes. Here’s what I came up with. 

"Richard Herring’s Edinburgh Fringe Podcast - The King of Edinburgh (The List) and multi-award winning “Podfather” (Elle) returns with the Internet chat show, that all the cool kids who hang around the Omni Centre call RHEFP (RHEFP). Armed with his book of Emergency Questions and a questionable desire to find out what it would take for his guest to pleasure Keith Allen, Herring celebrates the 30th anniversary of his first Fringe with THREE special shows. Big name guests. Early booking essential. Warning: May have a shrek in it (may not).
“Richard Herring’s comedian-on-comedian chat action takes the crown”  Time Out”

Obviously I don’t have the guests booked yet, but I will only need between three and six people, so I am hoping I can tempt the biggest names at the Festival along. It will be at New Town Theatre, Freemasons Hall, George Street on 4th, 11th and 18th August at 13.50. Probably worth booking in advance. Tickets on sale in May. And my own show “Oh Frig, I’m 50!” will be at Pleasance One at 19.30 every day of the Fringe. Will let you know when tickets go on sale for that. 
I am looking forward to going back to the Fringe. Hopefully people buying tickets will be just as excited. I started thinking about the show a little bit more today. Haven’t got many ideas for it yet, but I’ve written the press release, so that’s a start!

So that was an exciting development during a fairly lazy day. I was also tracking the progress of the RHLSTP eBay auction. Everything went for a good amount and the Lannister notebook reached £742, which is great, though I had hoped for a late flourish. The man who bought it has said that he is happy just to have a look at it and then return it to me, which would be awesome of him, of course (and he’s under no obligation). He just wanted to make a contribution to the podcast, which again is incredible. It would be nice if the book could go to someone who loves the show but doesn’t have huge disposable income, so I wondered about maybe doing something where we make proper copies of the book and then have a draw from all the people who buy one and one of you gets the actual thing. 
We will see. 
But nice to have raised approaching £1000 for the new series already. We need a lot more than that to make the show, but everything helps. So thanks to the people who won and those who tried. I will be putting some more stuff up soon. We’re also printing up a few extra copies of the Emergency Questions kickstarter book (which should be with you by the end of next month if you donated - sorry for the delay - it will be worth it). Again, all the money from extra sales of that book will go to filming the new series. 

Having such fun with Phoebe at the moment. So many funny things are happening, but my favourite from this week is this. She loves the show Bing and whenever it comes on shouts “Ding!” Which isn’t bad. She hasn’t been able to speak for that long. The thing is I know she can make the necessary buh sound, so every time it starts I say “Bing! Buh Buh Buh Buh Bing!” and she replies “Buh Buh Buh Buh Ding!” She thinks the character is called Ding! As if you'd get a giant toddler rabbit looked after by a much smaller knitted stuffed toy of some kind called Ding!
It's Bing. Buh Buh Buh Buh Bing.

Aren’t 2-year-olds fucking stupid?

Despite this her language skills are coming on in leaps and bounds. Lots of it is nonsense. But her grandma was on the phone and asked her what she’d been doing. “I did sand”, Phoebe replied. That’s a sentence right there. She's a genius. If you ignore the whole Bing/Ding fiasco.

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