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Wednesday 16th August 2017


My ticket sales are slightly confusing. I have already sold out the gig on Saturday, but today got the equal lowest tally of the run so far. Wednesdays are tough, of course and I still haven't dipped below 100 sales, but just at this psychologically difficult time, this was a little bit of a disappointment. But the 100 or so who came along tonight were good value and more up for it than yesterday's crowd. I think this is still on course to be the most successful Edinburgh I've ever had in terms of ticket sales. I just wish all the people who won't be able to get in at the weekend had come along today. Eight more shows and two more podcasts to do. Friday's podcast is selling quick (but the bonus one on 25th has not really started selling many yet) Book here.
Otherwise not too much to report today. We're all knackered, apart from Phoebe who is a dynamo. We managed to take her swimming today, but that took my last bit of energy away and I spent the afternoon mainly attempting to recuperate.
I have done a remarkable job of keeping out of things this Fringe. I have gone home straight after my show unless I've had another gig to do and only spoken to comedians that I have bumped into by chance. Having the family up is keeping my busy and happy. It's not exactly a holiday (and I still have a lot of writing work to do) but the flat is an oasis away from everything else.
I'd like to see more shows, but preserving energy reserves has to be the priority. 
I was surprised to see myself on the front cover of Three Weeks (I think the first time I've ever been on the front of an Edinburgh publication), though as I had my hands to my head and am screaming in the photo my daughter thought I had hurt myself. She knows all about head injuries. Thanks to my lax parenting.
A hairdresser near me has a sign in the window saying “Chair for Rent”. I was wondering what would happen if I rented it and then just went there every day and sat in it, whilst reading a book. I mean presumably they wouldn't care, unless part of the rent deal is a percentage of your takings. Why should it just be a chair for hairdressing in? Chairs are good for sitting too. And the smells of a hairdressers relax me. I also imagine you'd get as much free hair off the floor as you could carry away with you. I wonder how much it costs.

Episode 4 of AIOTM is now up on the various secret channels. You can get it by either buying a subscription or becoming a monthly badger. The fifth and sixth eps will be going up imminently too and it should not be long until the shorter free episodes start going up online.

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