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Friday 2nd August 2019


And we're off. 91 people came to see show one of the Edinburgh run and I have now sold over 2100 tickets for the whole run so my average audience will be at least 100 (God damn you for giving me access to these figures). I need to sell over 100 tickets a day across all remaining shows to reach my hoped for average of 200. That seems like a lot, but to be fair I sold over 100 today, so you never know.
But 100 per day is not at all bad and things haven't really got going yet - maybe there will be a few sell outs once the word gets round. Who knows? At the moment there are plenty of tickets for all shows, though the 2 for 1 next Tuesday is the closest to selling out.
I was still a bit weak and had an unsettled stomach and my ears started ringing during the recordings, but the time flew by and my guests were both witty and interesting in different ways. Laura Lexx came up with the best answer yet to the flavour of ejaculate question and Tony Law who was off his face on his first RHEFP and then like an evangelical who was drunk on sobriety in his RHLSTP, was much more balanced (well as much as is possible for him) and coherent. I love him. He's a force for good in comedy whatever his mental state might be. And he's always worth watching.
Before the show I'd been trying to find the dressing room (and more pertinently the toilet) when four figures dressed in oldie worldy clothes crossed my path in the darkness. "Are you ghosts?”I asked and one of them said “Yes” so I guess I can finally answer one of my own emergency questions in the affirmative.
The podcast was recorded between 1.30 and 2.30pm and then up online in the evening - bringing the Edinburgh Fringe to you. Listen here.
Loads more to come.
It's a good 40 minute walk from the verue to my house, but I hope to do it both ways on as many days as possible. I got a cab in as I had too much to carry for the first show, but walked back, bumping into various comics (including the rest of the Drunk Women Solving Crime who'd just arrived in town) and reminiscing about lost times, feeling sad to see my 2004 venue (the cinema that was briefly the Pod Deco) still boarded up and unused after 15 years.
My feeling at the moment is still very much that I will go in and do my show and then go home and see my kids, but perhaps I will feel differently when I am a bit better. I have it relatively easy this time round - all the other times I've done podcasts at the Fringe, I've had to upload them myself (my producer James is doing that for me) and then rush out to do a stand up show. Tonight I stayed in and played online poker and was playing fantastically in a 50 people tournament and heading for a big prize when a guy with slightly higher chips than me hit a runner runner straight after I'd flopped trips (and tricked him into going all in). That's another £30 to add to the Edinburgh debt. If I'd won I'd have got £500. It was a mildly heartbreaking waste of 2 hours as I finished just outside the money, but also more entertaining than anything on offer at the Festival and I'd played for 2 hours without making a mistake.
Should probably have prepped for tomorrow's shows or gone to bed. But if you can't stay up til 10.30pm at the Fringe when can you?

If you like what you hear Laura Lexx tickets are here 
Tony Law here 

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