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Tuesday 26th November 2019


Why does the singer of the Saved by the Bell theme not set his alarm clock to go off earlier? He is woken by his alarm clock and yet thinks he'll never make it on time. It's possible he's had it on snooze, I guess, but it feels like he has set the alarm too late.

Let no one say that this blog is not asking the cutting edge questions that are keeping this medium relevant.

I had a day off writing and caught up on some admin and podcast records. The morning started with a brisk Stone Clear in the drizzle  and later I would return to the old green board for Frame 99 of Me1 vs Me2 Snooker ahead of next week's Chris Evans (not that one) Trophy showdown at the Cockpit on London (4th December - amazingly a few tickets left).
By the time I'd done this and a few other bits and pieces it was time to pick up Phoebe from school and I once again made the bold decision to take the kids to the supermarket to kill some time and to take a few years off my life with the stress involved. We did sums in the car and played I Spy in the dark on the way home. We usually do it with colours, but occasionally have a crack at letters, which can be tricky as Phoebe is not an expert on what starts with what.  Ernie wanted to play too and didn't do too badly, spying something blue that turned out to be his coat.
Getting through "How I Met Your Mother" is proving to be a huge challenge. I am on season 4 now, but that's not even halfway through and the quality is deteriorating and the characters becoming hollower and more unlikeable. It's take on sexual politics has dated very quickly and I am increasingly annoyed by Neil Patrick Harris, both the character and his focus pulling acting style. I am told the final episode is a big disappointment and I shouldn't watch it. But getting to the final episode is the only reason I'm watching it. I don't know why I am watching it to be honest. But I have set myself this challenge and you know what I am like when I get an idea into my head. It doesn't matter if it's self-destructive.
It's a lot of hours of my life that I won't get back and more than ever I should be aware of how precious every second is. But there we go. What are you going to do? At least I haven't listened to 99 episodes of a man playing himself at snooker.

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