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Friday 29th November 2019


And just when you think it's going to be a pimpsy day, I got almost nothing done. Ah well. Still hoping to be into the fifth script before Wednesday. The unpredictable (yet entirely predictable) journey of the writer continues. 
Some days just don't feel like the right day and I was also distracted by the terrible news from London Bridge. Again the incredible heroism of ordinary Londoners confronted by something brutal and impossible was beyond admirable. 
Amongst all the horror, fear and projection when stuff like this happens, it's good to have something positive and although I am no longer a Londoner, I am still proud of London and in truth Londoners come from everywhere, so I can still pretend to be one. I like to pretend that I'd be one of the ones running towards a man with knives and probably bombs, but even in my imaginings I am already making excuses about being a dad and keeping my kids safe or thinking of them. Thanks to the people who stepped up when they were faced with this real life decision, there are lots of kids and families who still have their loved ones around tonight. 
The world it big and most of these attacks (as brutal and awful as they are) are small, so the chances of getting caught up in them are small. Yet, of course, they still happen because people want to spread fear and make us worry about the danger too ourselves. And because we're a self-obsessed species, that absolutely works. It's not a bad thing to be reminded that your life can suddenly end - it can happen in a billion ways and if you worried about them all then you'd never leave the house. Or indeed stay in the house as that's the most dangerous place. So don't fear death or those who want to make you think they can promote their version of it, even though it's one of the most unlikely ones. Live life while you have it.
And that doesn't mean you have to fill every second with something crazy and exciting. Just appreciate what you have. 
This man who did this was pathetic, even on his own terms, thanks to those who thwarted him. As always I wish there was an after life so that he could find out that there isn't an after life. I wish his god turned out to be the actual god, just so that god could let him know that what he's done was not in what god wanted. 

Always hard to flip your mind back to comedy and to take your eyes from the news when things like this are going on. And I didn't manage to do that.

RHLSTP with Grayson Perry has been released on audio only. It's a really good one and you can get it, for example, here 

And here's the latest newsletter with news of LIVE self-playing snooker (surely worth coming to see the kind of people who would pay to see this- 55 of them so far), a second appearance on House of Games and another date added to the RHLSTP tour 

It's Birmingham on 3pm on 28th March. Sold out in double quick time in 2019, so book quick. It's only £12 and I will be aiming for a big Brummy name. 

And I think that we've finally got all the display cases for stones and snooker balls from the last kickstarter, as well as T shirts etc for the most recent ones, so if you haven't had rewards yet, then they should be coming through in the next week or two. Thanks for your patience. The only thing you might have to wait a short while for is the snooker tournament, which we will edit together as soon as possible.

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