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Sunday 1st December 2019


We were watching Postman Pat at the breakfast table, because that's the kind of family we are and my daughter started singing her own version of the theme tune.
“Everybody knows he smells of walnuts”
(I think Noel Fielding might be her real dad)
“Pat is a naughty one, Pat is a naughty one.”
It's a much better song.

Dry Janvember completed. Might as well give it another month right? But what then? My diet has fallen apart a bit and my weight is creeping up, so not sure that adding alcohol back into the mix will help. 
Let's see if we make it through December first.
After a tiring morning of building forts with my four kids (we have friends staying over) I was off to Sheffield for the penultimate RHLSTP of the decade.
Very exciting to have moved up to the main room at Sheffield City Hall. I was nowhere near filling it, though the stall were pretty much full and there were over 500 in, so it's my biggest crowd in this city by over 100.
A great crowd too and two contrasting guests: poet Ian McMillan and comedian Seann Walsh, but the beauty of this podcast is that it accommodates everyone. Ian was wise, witty and full of stories and writing advice and Seann was honest and open about the devastating consequences of his own stupidity.  I couldn't ignore the elephant in the room for too long, though cruelly strung it out a little bit.
Personally I was interested in the hypocrisy that lies behind the storm Sean weathered and what Jesus would say about it. But what is not often considered is the mental affect on the person who has fucked up. Does the punishment fit the crime? 
But I'd also had a fun drive up to Sheffield watching the extraordinary documentary One For The Road which followed Seann on a tour of Scotland. 
It's so weird and sad and funny and Seann doesn't come out of it that well and I fucking love it. I wish it was 10 parts and offered to take the raw footage and make more episodes. It's what tours are really like and decidedly unglamorous. Seann took my mockery very well. 
These two will go up pretty quickly, so you'll get a chance to judge (or judge not, lest ye be judged) very soon.

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