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Friday 27th December 2019


Time is now very tight if I am going to get the Relativity scripts finished in time for the recording dates. But I like it that way. One script is “finished” and I have three more first drafts and two unwritten as yet. Today I cracked on with script 2 and got it pretty much to its finished state. It's the best of the bunch so far, certainly in terms of funniness and I enjoyed digging deeper into the humour today and felt like I could spend all my remaining time just making this one perfect. Better to have one really good one than six average ones right? My producer might not agree.
The good part of this is that I am fired up about the series again and the characters' dialogue is coming easily. I am a bit worried about not really knowing how the series will resolve or what exactly the story for the younger generation is. But I had a lot of fun with the older generations discussing breasts this afternoon, so maybe the youngsters don't matter. That's certainly the message I am getting from our politicians.
As we plough towards the end of the 2010s, I had a look back at the entries from late December 2009 to see what impact the upcoming new decade (not actually as decades start in years ending in 1, but I will go with convention) was having.  I was heading off to Mauritius with my then girlfriend, now wife. It's a holiday I don't remember too much about, so it's nice that I bothered to document some of it. A lot of holidays back then were just a break from work and so were spent lying reading books and drinking by the pool. And I wish I could do that now to be honest.
On the 31st December I wondered where I would be when 2020 slammed into my face . Who would have predicted that I'd be living in Hertfordshire and making my living by clearing stones from a field. If I could have travelled back in time to tell myself then I wouldn't have believed it. I won't be making any assumptions that I will still be going when the 2030s start, though if I am then I guess there's a good chance I will still be here and still be clearing stones. I hope I won't have co-created another two lives in the coming decade, but if I have then I love you darlings and you are by no means terrible mistakes who are an awful burden to me. I am not too optimistic that this will be a very jolly decade for the world, but we should have a clearer idea of where we are politically and environmentally. My existing kids will be a teenager and a nearly teenager. So it might be better for me if I am not here. 
On we push. I've had a couple of sleepless nights with my mind whirring, probably due to the stress of the work I need to get done, but also because I've been thinking of how weak the vessel that our consciousness travels in is. I wish I lived in something more robust on a planet that was safe from extinction. But instead God chose to put our souls inside these malfunctioning chunks of meat that are as likely to go wrong and destroy us as they are to sustain us. 
Life feels so solid and yet it can disappear like a vapour.
That's what's keeping me up at night.

Here's a bonus audio only RHLSTP with the surreal and utterly charming Lucy Beaumont. She's disarming and hilarious and crazy in the good way. Hope you enjoy it.

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