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Tuesday 16th June 2020


Supermarket trip this morning. Still no Soleros and mainly only weird ice cream and lollies left. Otherwise pretty much everything you could hope for, including flour. I was able to make a loaf of bread this afternoon. It was pretty rank, but at least it was mine.
I had an unusually bad time with spilt items though.  A big bottle of fabric softener leaked over stuff in my trolley (luckily I had segregated the cleaning products in the little jail cell at the end so it didn't get on the food), then I dropped the kids' yoghurts (is that the action of someone who cares too much about yoghurt?) and smashed them (isn't it a weird system where if you break the stuff in the store you get a free replacement?) and then a pot of cream smashed in the bag and got everywhere when I got home. No replacement if you break it once you're out of the shop.
I wore a mask but hardly anyone else did. The check out lady had a nasty cough…. I fear the second wave is coming.
I've had the broken bit of a pair of reading glasses on my desk for ages. The bit on the side that goes over your ear. The whole bit though. What's that called? 
Just googled it - the temple apparently. I did not expect that. I assumed it would be something I already knew and had forgotten.
These are glasses I got about three years ago that broke almost immediately. I have been wondering where the rest of it might have got to for a while, but haven't thought about it in ages. “I've got to find it some time” I thought to myself.
Within an hour I was downstairs and about to go to the supermarket. I grabbed my summer jacket from last year. I am too fat for it really and haven't put it on in months. In the pocket, the rest of the pair of glasses in its case. Weird.
On the way back from the supermarket I was listening to Maisie Adams on a podcast. I started thinking about the awful White Chicks that I'd watched on Sunday and one second later Maisie started discussing how she'd learned the dance from it to impress a boy at school.
I have the ability to see a very short distance into the future. It's freaky.
Late at night there was a message on the village Facebook asking if anyone had seen a lost drone.  A four year old had been playing with it and lost it. I looked at where they lived on the map and it wasn't too far from where I'd seen the weird drone yesterday morning. Of course. It hadn't been a bag I'd seen. It had propellors (I'd seen the) and fallen fast out of the sky. It was black too. This had to be it. I sent them a long message about how I thought I might have seen it and then mistaken it for a bag.
In the morning they replied to tell me they'd already found it. People in my village will think I am crazy. 
But I think it just proves they were filming me.

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