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Monday 17th April 2006

I was doing new material night at the Fortnight Club in Angel tonight (will be back there for the next two or three gigs, come along if can テや妬tテや冱 a lot of fun) and a bit too late around 5pm found myself getting quite inspired again and writing a lot of new stuff. Some of it was pretty rubbish, of course, but I didnテや冲 mind that. The important thing was that ideas were spilling out which after such a long time without much inspiration is a nice feeling.
One of the probably rubbish bits, which I doubt I will do as it would be hard to make work was this:
テや廣 stitch in time saves nine. But to be honest it takes practically the same amount of time and resources to do nine stitches as it does to do one. Youテや况e got to find your sewing kit, thread the needle and then itテや冱 either (one stitch) or (nine stitches) テや so youテや决e saving yourself maybe two seconds. But if youテや决e doing your stitches on a one by one basis then you are wasting a lot more time than that - finding your sewing kit, threading the needle every time. Plus you pretty much use the same amount of cotton for one stitch as for nine, so the stitch in time is a waste of the earthテや冱 resources. Be like me. Just wait til something needs nine or ten stitches until you attempt to mend it. Or better still. Once something is ripped just throw it away and buy a new one. Which saves doing any stitching at all.テや
Not quite right but maybe something in it.
I also did some work on the potarto/potato bit, which then spiraled into a new idea. I think this is an idea that I had back at school, but at the back of my mind I am thinking maybe someone else has done it before. I am sure one of you will be able to tell me if thatテや冱 the case. I mean, itテや冱 one of those things that someone will definitely have taken the piss out of at some point, in which case thatテや冱 OK. But if another comedian does the bit then thatテや冱 different, even though I am fairly confident itテや冱 something I have made up independently. This will probably be in my Edinburgh show in some form so if you donテや冲 want to spoil the surprise then look away now:
テや彜o who is exactly who says テや徘otartoテや? Because someone should tell them that they are definitely pronouncing it wrong. It is not the correct response to try and avoid confrontation and maintain the status quo by calling the whole thing off. The person is saying potato entirely incorrectly and if no-one is brave enough to stand up to them and tell them this then it will only result in humiliation for them somewhere down the line. Perhaps out on an important date with someone he hopes to marry he will ask the waiter, テや廛oes that come with potartoes?テや and the waiter will be confused and the date will snigger and all will be lost.
Go up to them and say テや弩hat do you call this?テや and theyテや冤l say, テや弩hy that is easy. Itテや冱 a potarto.テや And then you say テや廸o it isnテや冲. Youテや决e the only person who calls it that. Itテや冱 a potato. Potato!テや
Theyテや冤l probably say, テや弩ell I say tomarto, you say tomato!テや
But donテや冲 be put off. Say テや弋hatテや冱 a different circumstance . I do say tomato youテや决e right and that is the wrong way to say that word. But millions of other people also say tomato so it is an acceptable pronunciation. But only you say potarto. Just you! Everyone else agrees that it is potato. You canテや冲 start making up your own pronunciations for words. Youテや决e just being different for differentテや冱 sake Itテや冱 OK for the moment because people will understand what you mean, even though it makes you look stupid.. But if you donテや冲 nip this desire to say words in a different way to everyone else then where will it end? I say banana, you say bananee. I say kumquat, you say pomengranate. You see where Iテや冦 going with this. Youテや决e wrong. . Itテや冱 a potato Potato. Say it! Potato!
The only other person who says potarto is Inspector Clouseau テや not the good Peter Sellars one, the evil Steve Martin pissing on the grave of a genius one. What kind of arrogance or greed or stupidity could lead a man to do such a dreadful thing. Do you want to be like him? Do you? Mr Potarto
Of course the French donテや冲 say potato or potarto. They call this a pomme de terre. Which to be honest is much worse. Iテや囘 prefer it if they did say potarto. Pomme de terre literally means apple of the earth, which is wrong on so many levels. They are only very vaguely the same shape. A potato is a vegetable, an apple is a fruit, a potato is brown, an apple is normally green. An apple is only brown when it is rotten. But that doesnテや冲 save the stupid French because a rotten potato is green. Theyテや决e like photographic negatives of each other. A raw apple tastes delicious, a raw potato tastes like a manテや冱 semen テや you know I imagine. Iテや况e never eaten a raw potato.
How did the French even come up with such a different word for it? Itテや冱 a relatively new discovery. Surely everyone should call it the same thing テや everyone calls a television a television. The potato discoverers must have come back from the New World and said テや廰ook at this new thing weテや况e found, everyone else is calling it a potato テや except for that one bloke whoテや冱 trying to popularize potarto テや what do you French want to call it? Potato as well? It would be easier.テや
But the French said テや廸on! Let us look at it. To we French it resembles an appleテや
テや廸o it doesnテや冲テや
テや弋he only difference we French can see between this and an apple is that it grows underground. So we French will call it an apple of the ground. Pomme de terre. Not potato.テや
テや廚anテや冲 we all just agree on potato. There seems enough to argue about in this world.テや
テや廸o pomme de terre. It is the perfect description. You say potato, we say pomme de terre.テや
テや廰etテや冱 call the whole thing off. Or have another hundred years war.テや
I think the only way to get back at the French is to satirise them in our own language, make them look stupid, by stop calling an apple an apple and instead refer to it as a potato of the sky. Oooh what is this thing? Itテや冱 a potato of the sky. A sky potato. Thatテや囘 jazz up Genesis wouldnテや冲 it? The snake tempting eve to eat the sky potato テや of course sheテや囘 eat it. Who wouldnテや冲? Itテや冱 like something theyテや囘 eat in Star Trek.
If we did that at the very least it would be fun seeing French kids being taught English. The teacher would explain that the English call an apple a potato of the sky or literally in French テや徑a pomme de terre de cielテや
And a small French child would say, テや彜o they call an apple, an apple of the ground of the sky. Isnテや冲 that a bit ridiculous? Shouldnテや冲 they just call it an apple?
At which point I would burst into the classroom and say テや廸o, donテや冲 you see. It is you small French child who is ridiculous for calling a potato an apple of the ground. We English have been satirising you. Itテや冱 a potato. A potato!テや
It's the pomme de terre bit that I feel may have been done on some level before - but as long as the sky potato bit is new then I don't think that matters.

But as I sat on the tube trying to learn all this at the last minute I found myself distracted by a flow of thought about Steve Martin doing Inspector Clouseau and wondering how he changed from such a comedy genius into someone who is happy starring in remakes of Bilko and the Pink Panther and in rubbish (I presume, I havenテや冲 seen it) like テや廚heaper By the Dozen 2テや (not a patch on テや廚heaper by the Dozenテや) I really would be fascinated to know what drives him. Is it just losing your sense of whatテや冱 funny as you get older and richer and more out of touch? Or is it greed or arrogance? How much money do these people need? Wouldnテや冲 you think that making loads of money would make you pick and choose your jobs more carefully? How would the young good Steve Martin feel about the old rubbish one? How could the man who made テや弋he Jerkテや go on to do such rubbish.
The only way that I as a comedy fan could make sense of it and still retain my respect for Martin was this. It made me wonder whether at some point in his career (probably just before LA Story) some executives got to Steve Martin and asked him to do some rubbish film, but he refused saying he was too rigourous and cool for such a thing and then the executives told him that he had better do it or there would be trouble. They had too much money to make and Steveテや冱 name would increase box office takings. But Steve stood up to them and said no. At which point the executives gave Steve a drugged drink and told him it didnテや冲 matter he would be appearing in those films anyway. Just as Steve was passing out another man entered the room, a man who looked like Steve Martin in every detail. テや弸ou will be in these films Steve. At least thatテや冱 what everyone will think!テや
So the real Steve Martin ends up imprisoned in a dungeon whilst the false Steve Martin does all the junk for the money. I began to think this would make a brilliant film about a comedy fan trying to find out why Steve Martin had sold out, and stumbles upon the truth. Ideally Steve Martin would be in it, playing both himself and the evil Steve Martin. I even came up with a title, テや弋he Man With Two Brains in the Iron Maskテや. The real Steve Martin would be in an iron mask. And yet maybe the imprisoned Steve Martin would be quite relieved that he had been imprisoned because the nature of reality is that he would have been forced to make those films anyway and at least he had been spared this. I think it could be brilliant, but it does rather rely on Steve Martin agreeing to satirise himself in a way that is very unlikely. Yet maybe he would. Because the false Steve Martin would be forced to justify himself and could use the justifications that the real (as in the actual real one, not the real one in the film) must make to himself every day. There are certainly some interesting themes in it and I might write it anyway, even though it will never get made. Though ironically if Steve Martin did appear in it, it would probably make him cool and funny again! (If any film producers reading this want to make this I can knock it off pretty quickly. I managed to plan quite a lot of it out in the 20 minutes I was on the tube. It might also work as a play in which case you wouldnテや冲 necessarily have to have the real Steve Martin in it テや though it would be better if you did)
So having these thoughts spiraling off I had completely failed to learn my new script. But was still feeling delighted, even though the ideas I was having were largely of no use to anyone.
As it happened I didn't really know the stuff well enough and didn't perform it very well and so it went down adequately at best. I didn't do the stitch in time stuff either which would have explained the muted reaction.
But it's a start. And when I am on top of the material I think it might start to fly. It had better happen soon. I am doing my first preview on Friday! Now that should be a fun experience for everyone.

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