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Thursday 28th October 2021


Another 5.30am start thanks to Ernest Herring and I felt pretty lousy all morning as I tried to work out if I'd be better off sleeping or working. I'd hoped to get final drafts of episodes four and five done today. Would I make it?
It wasn't looking too good in the morning and I was surprised by how lousy a lot of the fourth script first draft was, but lunch revived me and I got into a good groove and things started to flow. Being in the zone is like your brain is in a warm bath - it sort of literally feels warm when it's working and though episode 4 had some big problems and needed more work than I'd thought, I had got there in time to put the kids to bed.
I planned to crack into episode 5 after dinner and made a tiny bit of headway, but decided to take a break after I'd been going for 12 hours more or less non-stop. There are two more scenes to work on. I should be able to do them in a couple of hours with a good wind behind me. So if I can sleep and if my children don't wake me up and if I arise in the right mood I should be 5/6ths of the way to completion by lunch.
But that's one whole script to create. And it's taken me three days to do second drafts of four scripts that I thought were nearly finished.
I am close to the joyous moment of not having to do any more writing (on this project at least - I should have started writing my next book by now), but there's still a reasonable sized hill to climb and I have to hope I have the energy and fitness to do so.  Both figuratively and literally. The half marathon next week is quite hilly (I noticed today that although the event has taken my money I have no confirmation email or anything through from them at all, so hoping that I haven't been inadvertently bumped from the race - I will run 13 miles regardless).
Even though some of the writing work today gave me pleasure, I am not having fun. Though I felt a sense of hope today and the load was a little lighter. Earlier in the week I was tempted to start drinking again - I haven't had that compunction all year - but luckily I stayed strong. And I avoided chocolate today too. So maybe the darkest days are over.
All work (some child care) and no play makes Warming Up a dull read. 

Here's some dates for your diary, with Bristol Slapstick Festival (also doing an event on 29th), Leicester Comedy Festival and all the 2022 Spring Leicester Square Theatre dates. I have not attempted to get guests for any of these yet. Will let you know when I know (badgers first!). 

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