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Tuesday 21st May 2024

Ernie came down with a big clip board this morning and a determined look on his face and told me he was going to write a list of rules. Not for the kids of course (they don't obey rules) but for the world. He wanted my help with the spellings. Rule 1 was "All doctors and health care should be free."
I mean it's a pretty good start to any manifesto and with an election coming up and everyone shilly shallying around that issue somewhat I think he might actually win.
He got annoyed at a spelling mistake and rather than cross it out he ripped up the paper so the mistake was no longer there. Which made the document look authentically battered.
His next rule as "If someone gives you twenty things then you should give ten of them back." I think this was a general call for sharing rather than something specifically targeted at people offloading twenty possessions. If they give you twenty things then there is probably a reason. Do they want ten back? I think he just wants everyone to have the same amount of stuff. Which is easy to say when you have fuck all.
At his age (28) I also had idealistic ideas like why can't they just print up more money and give it to poor people (though the government has at least done the first half of that, though given it to their mates) and asking my parents why they didn't let homeless people sleep in our spare rooms once my siblings had moved out.
There is a lot of wisdom from the children. Sadly also a lot of stupidity. Doesn't change when they become adults.
Ernie is either going to be a politician that changes the world or the Unabomber.

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