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Monday 13th November 2006

Pushing onwards with the script and nearly reaching the summit by the time I knocked off at 2am. I think of the summit as the half way point by they way. The journey isn't over, but it's much, much easier coming down. So who knows maybe I will have a workable draft by the same time tomorrow. Not much good for the producer who I promised would have a script today. But I told you I was lying. He knew I was lying. It's his job to know. I am actually miles further on than I had anticipated and though it's far from perfect, it's still not too shabby. By the time we do the read through in about 10 days I think I might have something that I am no longer ashamed of. And once I've heard it all read by proper actors then it will all change again.
But the ideas are flowing as is the fake ink on my computer screen. I like it best when working is working. Those horrible wasted days just gang up on you and make you feel bad about yourself, but a day like today, as lonesome and dull as it is, makes me feel better.
I only stepped out of the house to get a paper and some diet coke. And started work at about 8.30am. And whilst there was plenty of messing around in between and a bit of a nothingy afternoon, that doesn't matter when you manage to get a fair amount written.
I saw an amazing and horrific thing on Breakfast TV as I was eating my breakfast, which made me reconsider my desire for an elephant/lion conflict. It was a clip from the new series of "Life on Earth" in which during a drought, a famished pride of lions hunted down and killed an elephant. They didn't show the whole thing as it was a bit early in the morning and they were debating whether the footage should have been shown at all. But it was an incredible bit of film making to capture this rare event where 30 lions went for one elephant and managed to overpower it. I don't know what kind of people would complain about seeing this and who they would want to complain to - God presumably. But the shocked and unhappy film makers who almost regretted documenting the thing that they had waited for days to see can be proud of themselves. If you want to get upset about the death of an elephant then do something about all the idiotic humans shooting and trapping them for their ivory, but you should gaze in wonder at the survival instinct of these lions and their team work in overcoming the difficulty of killing such a huge and well defended beast. Be horrified by all means. I didn't see it all and I was still upset, but also in awe of what I was seeing. This is what the world is made of.

November quiz - Question 13
You have had to read a lot about Writer's Block during the last four years. Sorry about that. But in which film does a writer character called Harry Block appear? And for two bonus points (cos google makes that easy), in my opinion what are the best and worst films made by the director of that film? (it will be my opinion at this exact moment and no evidence of me saying otherwise elsewhere will be able to be used against me. My decision is final)

Please wait until the end of the month before sending all 30 answers in together. Anyone sending answers individually will immediately invalidate their entry to the competition. Remember the prize will go to whoever has the most answers right. It is still worth entering even if you can't answer all the questions. There will be no additional clues.

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