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Tuesday 26th December 2006

It was a flying visit to Cheddar this year and after Boxing Day lunch and far too many licquorice allsorts I got in the car to return to London feeling quite sick. It's good to have had a couple of days of over indulgence, but if I had hung around much longer with all the sweets lying around and my mum's brilliant cooking I would soon have been back to the 15 stone that I started 2006 at.
I went to pick up Phil and we changed out of our Somerset smocks and into our city clothes, lest we be laughed out of the Capital.
I felt a bit guilty for not being able to stay for longer than two days. I especially enjoy spending time with my nephews and nieces who are now pretty much all grown up. Doubtless one of them will be married and have kids before I manage either of those things. Which will make me a Great Uncle. Oh Christ.
And it's best to leave them all wanting more than outstaying my welcome and I have things to do and people to see. I have to get my head swtiched back to work mode asap as the next couple of months are going to be incredibly important for me in so many ways. So holidays are over for me now. You know once I have slept all day tomorrow and recovered from forty odd hours with the insane Herring clan.

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