My book is going to have some pictures of cocks in it as well as lots of words about cocks. Hopefully mainly tasteful and artistic pictures, but still pictures of cocks. The person doing the picture research for me is a young woman called Laura who works for Avalon, my management company.
I went in today to see how her research was going.
As I was going through my cock picture needs with her and saying stuff like Can we get a picture of Priapus with the biggest erection possible? and Do you think theres any chance we can get some diagrams of what is done in a penis enlargement? I felt slightly guilty that I was polluting her young mind with my cock obsession and making her spend a good proportion of her time ringing people up and asking if they have a specific cock-based picture.
It was OK that my life should be blighted, but to bring this Hell on to an innocent by-stander.
She seemed to take it all OK, but I recognised the fear and loathing behind her eyes. A year ago, I had been the same. Now male genitals were like meat and potatoes to me.
It will be good when this cock madness is over.
The book has to be totally finished by Monday. I am doing my re-writes all this week. I can't believe I've managed to do it all, but I think it's going to be fine.