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Saturday 17th July 2010

The penultimate Collins and Herring 6Music show before the Edinburgh Fringe enforced break (Collins does one with his girlfriend Legge at the end of the month) was another fun affair. We asked the listeners to send in a picture of something that weighed 2.5kg, the amount of weight that I had lost since the last show and there were some terrific responses. The funniest was probably this sunflower and pot on a kitchen scale, but you can see them all in our gallery. It seemed to capture the imaginations of the listeners in a way that, for example, celebrating my birthday last week did not. Not that I am bitter.
These radio shows have been tremendous fun and I will miss them in August, but we're back in September with no indication that the previous administration will return any time soon (despite the show opening - to gasps all - round with an sting proclaiming it as the Adam and Joe show). The Times Playlist magazine also today picked out our show as a must hear highlight of the station, so that's a good little boost to our reps.
I had my first multimedia Christ on a Bike preview in Maidenhead tonight and technically it all pretty much worked. We had a bit of a panic in the interval, when I tried to add a forgotten slide and then the projector decided to show a different image to what was on the computer screen, but we sorted it out.
I had spent my afternoon trying to photograph and scan my iPhone so I could prove my Yahtzee statistics boast and it had taken me some time, as all photos were too blurred and the scanner wasn't scanning in time. But I had finally got a reasonable black and white image. I also had to scan a crude cartoon image of an ejaculating penis. I wonder if there will come an age where I don't have to draw this childish item again. I doubt it. I am finding it funnier than ever.
It was quite a middle-aged audience in this arts centre and there had been another preview on with me, so I wasn't playing to people who were all aware of my ouevre and some of the tastier jokes shocked them a little and I also got a couple of early walk-outs. This is really such a charming and harmless show and (if you stay to the end) Jesus comes out of it pretty well, but I had forgotten how this had happened fairly regularly with the initial run. Some people just don't like you joking about this stuff. Why these people would come to a show called "Christ on a Bike" is another matter. And as I am fond of saying in such circumstances, "Yes, I believe Jesus did say, "If someone offends you then walk away in a huff", that was pretty much the basis of his religious philosophy as I recall."
It was a tougher performance than usual and reminded me also that I have a lot of work to do to knock off the rough edges, but I loved being in control of the slideshow via my clicker, even if I found it hard to understand that I had to point it at my laptop and not at the screen. Because I am an idiot.

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