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Saturday 27th November 2010

Apart from the idiots chucking fire extinguishers off of roofs, I am very impressed and a little bit proud of the UK's students for being organised and passionate enough to protest against the government proposals to make them (eventually) pay £9000 a year for their education. Even though you might argue there is some self-interest involved, I think it's about a much bigger issue than that. It's important that higher education stays within the reach of everyone and not just the rich and privileged and it's just plain wrong that the generation who were young in the 60s and benefited from free education and grants are now in their old age taking money from the young to fund their old age. Perhaps there is an irony that the last majorly politicised generation of students are now fat-cats, thinking of their own interests. Maybe it just proves that we are all bound to get more selfish as we get older. But I am pretty old and rarely got involved in political activities when I was young, but I am infuriated by all of this, particularly the fact that the Liberal Democrats are supporting this change, despite their manifesto changes. I am pretty fucked off with the Liberals all the way in fact. They are not a party I have ever supported, but I think it's good that they are there and I think Nick Clegg's compromises in order to gain some power might actually have destroyed the party. But it's interesting that the focus of my anger is more on him than on the Conservatives, whose policy it actually is. But without Nick Clegg this wouldn't be happening. I hope he wakes up one morning, takes a look at himself in the mirror and decides that in all good conscience he has to stop what he's doing. He's apparently making these compromises in the hope of securing electoral reform. But it seems likely that the Tories and Labour will come together to prevent that. And in all honesty, even if it comes about I think any benefit to the Liberals will be lost because the electorate will not want to vote for them, in case they make another unexpected move and I don't know, maybe form a coalition with the BNP. As long as they're in power, that's all that is important.
So anyway, I got asked to go down to University College London to show my support for the students who have occupied the Jeremy Bentham room. For all the above reasons I was very happy to do so. I actually think that if the students play this right and keep up the pressure that they are applying that they might actually be able to force the collapse of this government. But even if they don't I think it's great that they are trying to make a difference.
The UCL students have been in the room since Wednesday, but spirits were still high and I was impressed by how many people were there. I was asked to say a few words and I decided it would be best to show some general support and then just so some non-political jokes. I think that might have been the best call, as after all this time and proper political speakers it was probably quite cathartic to have some cock jokes. I didn't outstay my welcome, but was very pleased to be a part of this. Do keep this up students everywhere. You're doing something remarkable and I think that as long as you keep it peaceful and dignified that the public will be behind you.
I did an impromptu interview with student radio afterwards, which you can listen to here.

And some more 2012 goals for you

R T "By this date I would like to be a Mum. That's all :-)"

P D "My own goals are fivefold, because I'm greedy like that: 1) I'd like to be considerably fitter and more likely to reach middle age than I presently am; 2) I'd like to be getting paid to do something I enjoy for a living, be that comedy, writing or something else entirely; 3) I'd like to have performed my first hourlong show, preferably at Edinburgh; 4) I'd like to be in a place of my own (rather than in a houseshare), probably rented; and 5) I'd like to have found someone to love (and to love me in return) by November 25th 2012. A bit mawkish, but I thought I'd throw it in there."

S L "Before 2012 I'd like to be a published cartoonist. That's all."

J G "Having been single for more years than I really want to count, my hope is that by 25th November 2012, when I'll be 36, I will be in a relationship. A good, strong, grown-up relationship which will mean that although my career (still) might not be everything I ever dreamed of and I could (still) do with losing a few pounds, it won't matter because I'll go home to someone who loves me and thinks I'm ace."

P M "My goal for November 2012 is to be living - and working, I suppose, if I have to - in a foreign country. Hong Kong would be a favourite. Anywhere warmer than the UK (God, it's bloody freezing in this flat). Actually, my goal is to do it by the middle of June 2012, as I'll be turning 40 then, but I'm not going to complain if I'm a few months late."

T S " 25th November 2012 I hope that I have left my increasingly unbearable office job and that I have become at least a trainee train driver, if not a fully qualified one. I've been thinking of leaving my job for some time in favour of having a career that I will enjoy, and finally made my decision to do so in October. I've only told a handful of people of my plans because I want to enjoy the variety of looks on peoples faces when I tell them. The only thing I am waiting for now is an opening to materialise - I understand that they are few, and generally oversubscribed by 300 to 1..."

T M "My goal is to get a grip on my life, Ihave a good job great family but I feel as I'm going through the motions with me ? Sounds a bit self indulgent but I had so many plans and at 44 feel ive missed the bus. I know I'm lucky and should appreciate my life, maybe I can still make the olympics doing what I'm not sure."

M C "Thanks for the opportunity to put a mark down and nail down a date for my ambition to be realised, which means that I will now have to quit my job asap and start a business. I'm going to open a pie house. It will be called The Pie House, selling the country's most delicious pies. It will be licenced and will be a "sit in" cafe / restaurant type of affair. I will be staging gigs in my Pie House from time to time, which I suppose can include comedy gigs, so at some point after Nov 2012 you are invited to bring the stand up tour that may very well be created from this very topic ("Richard Herring Inspires") to my humble Pie House.
Right. I'm going to need some money. Do you know any good banks?"

M "On the 25th November 2012 I want to look in the mirror and be happy with the reflection, and the reflection of what I will have achieved over the next 24 months. I want to want what I have and improve my self awareness of the greatness that is being health, gainfully employed and having people
around me that I love. Oh and the real thing? To get back to the weight I was 20 years ago and fit into the suit that is waiting in cellophane at the back of the wardrobe."

C S "I would like by 25th November 2012 to have stopped being lazy, given up liquorice allsorts and pic n mix, fixed something clever, worked out why it snows, given up being naughty and to have been to John O Groats."

M L "I'm in the middle of a job change. In 2012, I hope to have finished my degree and have a job as a mental health counselor."

W B "By 2012 I would like to have created a regular podcast, and try at least once to do a set of stand up, even if its rubbish I would still hate myself if I didn't try."

M E "I think my main one would be to really get get a good degree and lead me to a job i'd actually want, also i'd love to play the guitar and playing in a band might just stop me air guitaring to hendrix . As well as this i'd love to try some stand up as i've loved comedy from being a kid and just like making people laugh. On a soppy note on the 25th of november 2012 i'd like to give my lovely girlfriend a nice suprise on what would be our 5th anniversary.And i'd like to grow a proper beard."

J "I have so many things I want to have achieved by then...the most important ones I guess are:
-keep going to the gym and eat less food
-Walking the length of the Erie canalway in NY
-If I can't acheive the canalway walk then at least getting into a good training regime as if I were to walk the canalway!
-Finding out if the full length of the Erie canalway in NY is even walkable...
My main aim is to get off my medication and go into remission from Sarcoidosis but as it hasn't stopped me doing stuff this last few years then I can't see that it will stop me now! (Except drinking booze more than a special quarterly treat...) But it would be so nice to not have illness as my main focus in life!"

S H "To have found the elusive work/life balance that means I actually have friends who I see reasonably frequently and a decent job at the same time (currently have the job, but no life to speak of). To be singing in front of other people again. To have spent enough time with my nieces that they know who I am without being prompted by a parent. Lastly, to have completed the decoration of at least 1 room in the terrible state of a house I have just bought - no mean feat with my levels of apathy and laziness."

I think I might be turning into Oprah Winfrey or something. But good luck to you all. You are now one day nearer to 25th November 2012, so no slacking now!

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