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Monday 21st March 2011

I felt a little bit blue this afternoon. I am still surprisingly tired and I think the prospect of another 13 nights in the UK's cheapest hotels was weighing down on me, after having had a week of sleeping in my own bed (just at the night time, you smart arses). Inevitably some of you will think I am whingeing about my cushy life if I dare to mention any of the negatives, but I am not. But having 21 shows under my belt (46 if you include London) and still another 40 or so to go is a difficult place to be psychologically. It's been cool having a little bit of time with my girlfriend, but it's going to be a month before we get any quality moments together. I love my job and there's loads of great gigs coming up this week and I am sure I will enjoy myself well enough. But this afternoon my heart ached and my brain felt squashed and I tried not to think of what was coming up.
I managed to get down to Hammersmith, (Paul's sign is gone, so hopefully someone found his lost bird) but perhaps put off by memories of having shit in my hair, I couldn't face the gym. I wanted to pay in some SCOPE money, but a couple in front of me at the bank seemed to be paying in about £1000 in 2p pieces. They had bags full of coins and also two massive jars, which were also peppered with what looked like dollar bills, so it was taking them ages to sort out their shit and after waiting ten minutes I decided to come back later. I was fairly sure that even if I was patient by the time I got to tip my relatively modest bag of coins in the machine would be full. Things were less busy later on and I successfully made my deposit and can let you know that the first 21 dates of the tour have raised an amazing £6701.22 for SCOPE. The cheque is in the post. We're easily going to exceed £30K this year. if you want to add to the total, go here . Thanks for all your donations. You people are awesome. And I will be coming back at you for more with the programme for the next show very soon!
I went off to think about doing some work, but my stodgy brain was not playing ball. So instead headed to the supermarket to stock up on supplies for the tour. I was going to go home, but determined to achieve something had a crack at my 40 words for the Fringe programme entries for my two shows.
Here's what I went for

Richard Herring – What is Love, Anyway? Having sorted out religion (Christ on a Bike), politics (Hitler Moustache) and penises (Talking Cock), AIOTM star seeks to define and destroy love. Before love destroys him. Again. “Stimulating, Exhilarating….Utterly Hilarious” ***** Chortle

Richard Herring’s Edinburgh Fringe Podcast – The “Podfather” (Guardian) from iTunes chart topper “Collings and Herrin” and Chortle award winning “AIOTM” celebrates 20th Fringe with daily, improvised, topical podcast. Special guests, gossip, swearing, lies, prizes, surprises. Totally different show every day.

And then for good measure I had a crack at my 100 word entry for WILA (as all the cool kids are calling it)

Richard Herring – What is Love, Anyway? Does anybody love anybody anyway? So asked insane Welsh poet philosopher Howard Jones in 1983. Finally someone dares to answer. Having sorted out religion (Christ on a Bike), politics (Hitler Moustache) and penises (Talking Cock), the star of the award winning podcast “As It Occurs To Me” and Radio 4’s “Richard Herring Objects” seeks to define and destroy love. Before love destroys him. Again. Does Richard’s dry-cleaner genuinely love him? How could a romantic gesture involving Ferrero Rochers get dangerously out of control? Herring’s twentieth Fringe. “Stimulating and Exhilarating….Utterly Hilarious” ***** Chortle

Exciting times.
WILA is on at the Underbelly venue the Cow Barn at around about 8.30pm and RHEFP (work out how to pronounce it now because you're going to have to) is at 2.20pm at the Stand One. I will let you know when and where to book as soon as the websites are live.
Hard to believe that this is my twentieth Fringe though (I have been coming up since 1987, but have missed 5 (though only missed two since 1992). These will be, I think my 32nd and 33rd shows. It's mind-boggling. Next year I will have been coming up to the Fringe for a quarter of a century. Not too many people who can say that. And only a handful who have done it for longer. Maybe it's a cause for shame rather than celebration. Can't see me stopping it now though!
The evening was spent packing and trying to calculate how many boxes of programmes and books I will need for this mammoth leg of the tour. Then my girlfriend got back from her gig and we played Scrabble (we know how to par-tay). We are making the most of every second together. I won after playing "TRAINWAYS" and "NOISIEST" though my girlfriend came back at me with "PORTING" so it was close. Oh yes, a thrilling way to spend out last night together.

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