I have to say that my life without a wedding ring has not become the whirlwind of casual sex and being propositioned by strangers that I was expecting. If anything I have become less attractive, because I am no longer on the radar of insane people who get off on being with someone else's husband. But then again I was in my office most of the day, climbing Mount Rasputin, so maybe I am expecting too much. I guess it's not likely that the desperate people of the world are able to sniff out that I have no wedding ring and then break into my house like sex-zombies. As soon as the play is finished I will walk around the town brandishing my bare finger and hope that that does the trick.
I am finding the writing extremely difficult, but today at least, I managed to mainly stay at my desk for the whole day and got a couple of scenes completed. I even contemplated heading back to my desk after a preview gig in Putney, but perhaps correctly ascertained that sleep might be a better course of action. And as I lay in the darkness I had an idea that will hopefully help the play flow a bit better. Hopefully we are casting this weekend, which gives me something to aim for. It's utterly terrifying and sick-making and most of the time I am wishing I hadn't put myself through this (I have no one to blame but myself), but hopefully I will be pleased I made this decision come August. Or I might not finish the writing or get a cast and just have to act out the partial play on my own using puppets. But that might be good too. In a different way.
Lord of the Dance Settee seems to be magically coming together by itself without me doing any work on it at all. I am tempted to try the same technique with the play.
From September onwards I am going to be a lot more sensible and not do so much work. Almost certainly.
Here's a little vid about my Edinburgh shows. On Vimeo. Or on YouTube
Buy tickets to both shows here.
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