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Monday 25th November 2019


Happy 17th birthday Warming Up. Have we got another 17 years in us? Which of us will end first? Have I really achieved anything in the last 6187 days? If I had to do it all again would I change a single thing? And if I did what repercussions would that change have on my personal history and the events of the world? What if the one thing I changed was to warn the authorities about 9/11 and give them full details of all the plotters? But if I could only change one thing would I do that or something more personally selfish? Why are they only letting me change one thing? Who's in charge of this?
Who writes a blog any more? More importantly what kind of sad sack still reads them?
All good questions. 
The longer it goes on the more I wonder if it's some kind of achievement or some kind of tragedy to have been quite so persistent, but even as life becomes duller and less noteworthy due to age and parenthood, I have managed to push on. Let's get to twenty years and then have a think.

It was, it has to be said, a pretty dull day for this momentous, yet arbitrary occasion as for nearly the whole day I was in a car being driven home from Glasgow. It was a long, long way. It took over 8 hours to get to my house. I did at least finish off the first draft of episode 3 of Relativity and it annoyed me that it had taken me so long to get round to this, as I had it all plotted out and it was only about 45 minutes of actual work.  8 more days to write the next 3 episodes. Pimpsy. (I am aiming to have 4 done for first read through - so any more than that will be an amazing bonus).
A couple of traffic jams made me fear that I wouldn't get back before the kids' bedtime, but luckily I was just there to put them both to bed. My son ran to me and gave me a big hug and my daughter affected (or displayed) boredom at my return and said she hadn't missed me. I had missed them lots though and it was good to be back just to get this dissing.
I got to sing songs and read stories to them as I tried to shoe-horn them into bed and was surprised to discover that my daughter can pretty much recite the story of Moz the Monster word for word. It's freaky how clever kids suddenly become. I've read that book loads of times and could only give you a rough précis of the story.
We illegally watched the new Rick and Morty episode which is my favourite of the new series so far and not just because Mr Poopy Butthole plays a significant part. But as with all the shows in this series I have to watch them a few times before I can pass any kind of significant judgement. I am getting to the point where I rarely watch anything but Rick and Morty. They will get their money from me to make up for the heist of stealing their show.
18th November 25th documented. Probably the dullest so far, but there's duller to come, believe me.

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