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Monday 13th July 2020


You know I was talking about Farage in the Garage long before everyone else, but I heartily approve of naming all the fuckups that come out of Brexit on the people who facilitated it. It will be some small recompense for what they're going to put this country through that their names will live on.
If they turn out to have turned us around and done something great then sure, put their names to something good. But I think we're going to be in the bin in the 2020s and it'd be nice to remember the people responsible. Maybe a statue. There's a space in Bristol I believe.

I went to the actual garage today to pick up my car which had been in for a service. I wore a mask. No one else did, so I felt a bit silly. But I think we have to get over that self-consciousness. I always thought the tourists you'd see on the tube with face masks on were crazy, but in countries where they wear them the virus has not hit as hard and it's a small and hopefully temporary price to pay.
I can be pretty sure that I don't have the virus. My test results came back on Sunday saying that I was negative (it doesn't tell me if I have the antibodies though), so unless I picked it up since Thursday I am fine. It's not going away though. One of my friends has been laid down low with this thing for actual months and is still not better. It's a scary scary thing.
It was a morning of chores and an afternoon of childcare. I took the kids out on a scoot to kill some time and get them in the fresh air. Ernie is very friendly and says hello to everyone, but usually describes them in doing so. So it's “Hello Old Man” which is a bit awkward even if the man is over 70 (and Ernie's definition of old definitely takes in a few people who would be put out to be told they were middle-aged. It's such a friendly and cheery greeting that it would be weird to take too much umbrage.
I tried to do some gardening whilst I looked after the kids, but had to wait for their mum to take over to have a real crack at it. And I made a loaf of bread in my new bread maker that I got for my birthday. 
And then I elected to put the kids to bed on my own, which is like volunteering to fight a tornado. They are turning into quite the tag team, but I don't mind when they gang up on me. I want them to be a formidable force.
Phoebe got her first school report today too. She's doing well and is apparently well behaved and polite and social at school (I asked her if she could try a bit of that at home too), but I felt stupidly and phenomenally proud of her. She's done very well after being sent away from her friends in the village to be with totally new people and got through this weird lockdown surprisingly well. 
She gives me short shrift but again, I'd rather she was feisty and independent, so I will take the knocks to my soul.

After taking the dog for a late night walk I sat at the kitchen table and worked on the upcoming kickstarters and couldn't believe all the stuff I'd done had happened in the same day. Was the garage visit really today? I guess it's good to be buffeted. The tornado destroyed me, but I kept on punching it regardless.

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