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Wednesday 10th November 2021


My limbs and back no longer groaned with pain at every movement, so I thought I might be ready to head back to the gym. I haven't been since the second lockdown, so David Lloyd had been sitting back and counting up my money and laughing at how many tennis balls he can buy now. I booked into a class and after I dropped the kids off at school, drove over to the gym and parked up. It's a reasonable drive to get there, but it was only as I sat in the car, trying to summon up the energy to get out that I realised that maybe I wasn't quite ready for exercise yet. You know if I couldn't even get out a car. I was tired and grumpy and so, having got so close, I unbooked the class and drove home again. 
It's the thought that counts. 
And that also gets you fit.
Right decision though.

I was doing a talk with Isy Suttie about comedy for the BBC Academy event Production Unlocked at lunchtime (not sure if you can catch up on it, but have a look around here). We had a good hour long chat about our experiences of first gigs, having projects strangled at birth and what you need to do to become a writer and/or comedian. To summarise “Get on with it and maybe diversify”. 

Catie had a seemingly impossible deadline to finish the rewrite on her latest book by today (and she has done more than her fair share as I tried to get my sitcom done) so I was otherwise in full dad mode, which I have to say is a lot more fun that working. My daughter told me yesterday that she actually loves me now (which is a result after just is and three quarter years of effort- I think she secretly loved me all along, but it's nice to hear it), though she briefly withdrew that love this morning when I wouldn't let her have Halloween candy for breakfast (or something like that, it's all a bit of a blur). Amount of love can go down as well as up. There are no guarantees that love will not be withdrawn completely for absolutely no good reason. Children are actually incapable of love (see previous stand up).

I took them both to drama after school, which is a pretty cushy deal as you just drop them off and pick them up an hour later. I drank a coffee and wrote my blog and started thinking about who to book for the 29th November RHLSTP at the Phoenix.  Two guests, cheap tickets (no streaming), but limited capacity. I will let badgers know when I have some names.

Amazingly Catie finished her work by about 8pm - she had already emailed to say the deadline of today would not be met, but she still did it, because she is a writing genius. Maybe having the kind of husband who wears pyjamas was the impetus she needed.

RHLSTP with Shaparak Khorsandi is up here

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