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Saturday 15th May 2004

Weight 13st10. CNPS numbers spotted 4 (683).

Date 20 possibly anticipating a dull day had brought a small book of scientific facts along with her to our afternoon meeting. As I was buying the drinks in the pub she had got it out and was having a read. She discovered that plasma is a fourth state of matter (along with gas, liquid and solid). I hadn't realised that. It's nice to go away from a date having learned something. The book did not really provide enough information about plasma though, which did sound quite interesting from the couple of sentences that the author had written about it. Is plasma in your blood the same sort of stuff as plasma in your TV? I don't know. It is also good to come away from a date with questions. Learning is all very well, but some mysteries must remain or we will have unweaved the rainbow and not have the instructions about how to knit it back together again. Then we'll catch it when God finds out what we've done. We can try to blame it on our little brother, but God sees all and when he looks me up in his book of people he will see I don't even have a little brother. God hates lies. Which is ironic because he is one. But that kind of hypocrisy doesn't bother him.
20 was quite a spontaneous kind of girl. We went for a walk in Richmond Park to see the deer. It was a beautiful day and she wanted to do some forward rolls on the grass. So she did. I didn't mind - in fact I thought it was fun - but then she asked me if I wanted to do some and I didn't feel I did. I'm not that good with spontaneity and I thought I would mess it up. She thought I was missing out; she'd got herself all dizzy. But I was self-conscious and I don't forward roll on a first date. I'm not that kind of boy.
Later on we chanced across a little stream in our way. As I looked for a way to get round, 20 was delighted. It was a hot day and the stream wasn't that deep and she wanted to wade through it. This was easier for her as she was wearing a dress and had slip on shoes. I had boots and socks and jeans on and was carrying a jacket and practicality got the better of me. What if I slipped and fell in and damaged my camera or phone? How would I dry my legs afterwards? The bottom of my jeans may becmoe slightly damp.
What a dull man I am. No wonder I am single. Do I really think I am going to be able to throw myself out of a plane when I can't even wade into a river in case the rocks are slippy?
20 was soon walking in the cool water with her dress pulled up around her thighs, whilst I wandered round to the bridge, all hot and stuffy. Even after all these dates I have not overcome my natural reticence. I felt I was missing out once more and envied 20 her freedom of expression.
I did hug a tree earlier on though. So I'm not competely out of touch with my feelings. It didn't hug back though. Proving there are more emotionally repressed beings on this planet than I.

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